September 22 Botswana Update

Pastor Anderson's Blog

September 22, 2016

Although we were well received by the people of Botswana, so far, at least four of us have been deported. We broke no laws, but it was easy for them to deport us since we apparently do not have many rights there as foreigners. The rest of the group has now split up, but as of Wednesday night, over 250 have been saved as a result of our soul-winning efforts. There are still several people from our group out soul winning, but since they have now split up, we will need to wait until everyone gets back to tally up the final numbers.

Faithful Word Baptist Church Botswana is not going to be founded at this time. Brother Garrett Kirchway who has been deported was going to be the one to run the church. Perhaps in the future, a local could spearhead the operation since a citizen would have more rights. Either that, or someone from the United States could become a naturalized citizen there. We are going to try to keep in touch with our converts in Botswana and encourage them to keep spreading the gospel.

Although the Sodomites are rejoicing and saying that we failed, we consider the trip to be a huge success:

· Over 250 people and counting have been won to Christ.
· Brother Garrett was able to preach in a school to about 600 junior high school students and their teachers.
· Thousands of our USB flash drives and preaching CDs are now circulating in Botswana.
· I was on the radio in Botswana, and that radio interview has gone viral on the internet.
· Our story has been on the cover of seven different newspapers in Botswana.
· We have been in the news all over Africa, and as a result, hundreds of thousands of people have heard the Word of God preached.

At least half of Botswana agrees with us, but apparently there is a disconnect between the people of Botswana and their leadership. People were cheering and asking to be photographed with me on the plane as I was being deported. Even the guys who arrested me treated me very well. Our expedition was in no way a failure since more people will hear the gospel on the internet as a result of the persecution. We have sent a shock wave through the entire African continent! Praise the Lord!

“Blessed are ye, when men shall hate you, and when they shall separate you from their company, and shall reproach you, and cast out your name as evil, for the Son of man's sake. Rejoice ye in that day, and leap for joy: for, behold, your reward is great in heaven: for in the like manner did their fathers unto the prophets.” Luke 6:22-23

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